Level up your skills and start thriving in today’s ever-changing music business!
The Entrepreneurial Musician and The Brass Junkies have teamed up to bring you over 10 hours of sessions covering all aspects of being a successful professional brass player today. with Andrew Hitz
- Christopher Bill (YouTube and TikTok star)
- Mary Elizabeth Bowden of Seraph Brass
- Chanell Crichlow aka Tubafresh
- Jeff Conner of Boston Brass
- Lance LaDuke of The Brass Junkies
- Andrew Hitz of The Entrepreneurial Musician + The Brass Junkies
- Hiram Diaz of The President's Own Marine Band
Being Remarkable with Andrew Hitz
Building a Portfolio Career with Chanell Chrichlow
Using a Business Model Canvas with Lance LaDuke
Crushing It on YouTube and TikTok with Christopher Bill
Building a Thriving Private Teaching Studio with Andrew Hitz
Lance LaDuke on Building an Electronic Press Kit
Andrew Hitz is Hosting a TEM Coaching Hour to Answer Your Career Questions
Jeff Conner on Building a World-Class Chamber Ensemble
Crafting a Remarkable Online Presence with Mary Elizabeth Bowden
Business 101: 30 Resources in 30 Minutes with Lance LaDuke
Getting a College Teaching Job and Thriving Once You’re There with Andrew Hitz + Lance LaDuke
Networking and Writing a Pitch Email That Gets Answered with Andrew Hitz
Making Money Through Online Events with Andrew Hitz
Giving Yourself Permission to Blaze Your Own Path with Andrew Hitz + Lance LaDuke
Winning the Audition with Hiram Diaz
***Use offer code “TEM” to get the price of just $49***